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Flea & Tick Control

As the days heat up, so does the breeding of fleas
and ticks. While they breed all year long, the warmer
weather causes a major population boom. It is
important to protect your pets as well as yourself
from these little pests. There are many products over
the counter or prescribed by your veterinarian that
can be used to control the pest population on your
animals. There's also a vaccine for dogs to protect
from Lyme disease. However, treating your animal is
not the only way to eliminate these pests. Their
environment needs to be treated as well.
We will treat your entire lawn- killing any fleas and
ticks present, then 7-14 days later; we will come back
and kill the newly hatched fleas and ticks. Generally
the 2 step process is all that is required to get rid of
the fleas and ticks.

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